NSCDA-MN Awards Regional Scholarship for 2021
Jayne Kinney, American History Educational Award recipient
We have selected a recipient to receive our District 3,4 and 5 American History Educational Award. This award of $850 has been funded by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America (NSCDA) state societies of Minnesota, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa.
Jayne Kinney is a Ph.D. Student in U.S. History at the University of Minnesota. She says “My dissertation will examine the roles of Mandan, Hidatsa, and Sahnish women in leadership, survivance (endurance, the refusal of victimhood, and the assertion of active presence), and asserting sovereignty from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. I will analyze the historical roles of women in kinship systems, social organization including farming and earth lodge obligations), sacred systems, and in building diplomatic relationships. These systems have always adapted and changed as different nations interacted and constructed trade networks, Missouri changed its course, and families grew. This historic adaptation provided a framework of response to the United States settler colonialism and its attempted suppression of Mandan and Hidatsa sovereignty. “
She received her B. S. In Social Studies Education from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana and her M. A. In History from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Jayne was a Dean’s Fellow at UN Lincoln.
Jayne plans to use the funds to support her summer research in North Dakota. We hope to find a time during one of our upcoming programs to meet Jayne.
Thank you, Rachel Eason, for managing the scholarship process.